Thursday 22 May 2014

Must do this daily!!

A bit late again lol!

Well been busy over the last couple of days. I've outline all the stuff I've done below.

1. Upgraded my Mac Mini, it now flies by the way. 16GBs of Ram and a 1TB SSHD.

2. Had reinstall all my software lol.

3. Had to tidy up all of my flat because of task number 4, flat has been left and was getting to be a right pain in the bum lol.

4. Been working hard at Rugby 7s training.

Task 4 is really important as this weekend I have my first 7s tournment, which is going to be really good fun :)

The American football season is still pretty tough we have now lost 3 games in a row, not by a huge score. However, we are so much better than last year. I just wish I was a bit more involved as I'm backing up our number 1 running back :(.

Project Eve is going well, my friend Bob who is the writer has give me number of character bios and they are amazing. This will help with the character concept art a lot.

Project Spartan is a new project that I'm trying out. The whole idea is to be ready for a Spartan run in the UK in 2015. My Gfriend is also going to do it and I'm setting out a fitness program for the big Spartan run in 2015 :)

Anyway that's whats I've been up too.

Catch you soon.


Monday 19 May 2014

A bit late

I haven't been blogging so much, this is because I have been very busy getting my life in order. Also I have been busy with the American Football team this weekend past.

However managed to once again crack the 20 min mark on my 5k runs, much awesomeness :)

Hopefully have a bigger blog tomorrow lol


Monday 12 May 2014

Time for a change


I have done!!! Got mysel a Mac Mini and moving away from Windows. I just had enough of a big PC and the noise it makes.

The Mac Mini will be my work PC which I will use for my artwork and learning. So then I'm now set to work on the Eve projects. Also I'm so happy with this little computer and I can upgrade it too :)

So just a wee update, it's like chess. I'm moving the pieces into place to help me achieve my goals.

Next is the iPhone 6 lol :P 

Till tomorrow 


Well it's been a while.

I'm back!!!!!!!!

Lol it has been a while and I know I should have kept this up but life got the better of me and I've been too busy. However got an iPad mini 2 now and will be able to post on the go.

So the status of the year thus far.

Well I achieve one goal this year in terms of American Football, now back playing in the offence as RB and WR. This means my fitness and health are still going in the correct direction. Still not where I want to be but I'll get there :)

However I haven't made much of impact on developing my other goals this year thus far. So I need to get them back on track :)

So until tomorrow catch you later :)