Tuesday 23 December 2014

Well I haven't been keeping this up!!!

I need to work on this.

It's time I started getting into the habit and updating this regularly. Just been a very busy year from a work point of view. I really hate working IT, it's the same old same old and your always knackered at the end of the day. There is not creativity in this job and I would love to create and draw some really amazing stuff.

Any good news is that I got my iPad Air 2 and Pencil by 53 and now be able to work on the move :). Hopefully this will get me to create some artwork which I can showcase here and on facebook.

Also I now know that IT isn't for me and I need to work to change my career, but to that I need to start creating a portfolio and work on my artwork.

So hopefully this change in mindset will drive my artwork in 2015 to actually get things done. I have tons of art books ranging from Photoshop to Zbrush, I just need to take time to start learning how to use these wonderful apps and use my Mini Mac for which it was bought.

One last note to anybody out their looking at this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!