Tuesday 28 March 2017


Am now moving to a wordpress blog so in the next fews this blog will finish. I will post the link to the WordPress blog in my next update.

Pretty short one this week lol


Tuesday 7 March 2017


Not really got much to say work has been really busy. However, looking into these 2 projects below.

Personal website

This is technically a refresh to get the old site looking more professional. Watch this space!

Unreal Engine 4

Really excited about this! Started a side scrolling game in the UE4, this mainly to learn everything about blueprints, c++, modeling and game creation process. Hopefully I will add stuff to the personal site about this project. So I can share more about it rather than in this blog.

So thats it.

Bye for now!


Thursday 23 February 2017


Ok first what is the name all about, well BLOG2.4 is BLOG is a LOG 2 is the month = February. And .4 = the week of that month.

Ok with that now out of the way time to write the blog, and I’ve broken it down into the different areas of my life for this update as it has been too long since my last update.
Note it will not always be in this format. I think this just allows me to get my head around stuff.

Personal Life

Well I’m getting married that’s the biggest thing happening in my personal life now.

Professional Life

Am working in Leith now at Victoria Quay, still working as a senior test analyst. However, I’m looking for a new job or to get my employer to move me to a project in or near Glasgow as I’m from Airdrie and the commute to work is beginning to take its toll.


I have a few projects that I want to do, but as my work is tiring with all that travelling I can’t work on them. Hopefully this blog will make me a bit more focus to get these projects started.
I would love to get my artwork and now that I’m becoming better at computer programing I’d like to make an app or mobile game.

Fitness and Sports

Had to stop playing rugby as I picked up a few injures, still playing American Football, well for at least one more season. However, my weight has got me down recently so I’ve joined a gym and I went from 14.7 to 16 stone, however my body fat stayed 35.5%, so added a ton of muscle. So, going to keep that going. However, I’ll need to do something else if I stop American Football as I will not be doing any sports and just get fat lol!

So, that’s it for this week, this blog was just a general catch up. The blogs will be a more specific update of personal life, professional life, projects, fitness or sport. Or anything I think that I should share online.

Bye for now!


Thursday 16 February 2017

Personal Site

Just a little update. Got my own website and have built and pretty good site. Few issues that need addressed.

Also need to update content a bit. But it's getting.

Hopefully I'll be able to used www.grahamdthomson.co.uk in 2017 to help advance and enhance my career and projects :)

Site is certainly in BETA right now lol!

Also found a more digital art and design site which my be good for separating the hobby art to what I do as a professional.

It's called Adobe myPortfolio, so I'll be working over two fronts. It's not to my art will not make to the personal site my use links to the portfolio instead of showing all my art on my professional site.

Professional site sound better than personal site lol

Re-Start rather than Re-Boot

Lets get back into this, I'm going to outline new projects and goals I want to achieve in 2017. As my playing American football is winding down I will have to do other things to keep me from going postal lol.

So Like I said watch this space going to give an update since the last update and what I now plan do. Generally it's time to achieve my goal of total world dominance....... ha ha ha just kidding.

Just want to really outline everything on here, mainly for myself. Not to get back on track but to more focus on getting stuff done etc.

New post in a couple of days and it will be updated every week :)

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Well just been reading this and my life has slowed a bit but there some really good things that have happen. Got a new positions in the company with new wages etc. Moved in with my girlfriend and her little boy.

I haven't managed to achieve everything I wanted but reading back I think I will change that now. Got a little fatter again but I'll work on changing that too :)

So I will update this more me thinks give me something to account my actions.

So it starts today!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Well I haven't been keeping this up!!!

I need to work on this.

It's time I started getting into the habit and updating this regularly. Just been a very busy year from a work point of view. I really hate working IT, it's the same old same old and your always knackered at the end of the day. There is not creativity in this job and I would love to create and draw some really amazing stuff.

Any good news is that I got my iPad Air 2 and Pencil by 53 and now be able to work on the move :). Hopefully this will get me to create some artwork which I can showcase here and on facebook.

Also I now know that IT isn't for me and I need to work to change my career, but to that I need to start creating a portfolio and work on my artwork.

So hopefully this change in mindset will drive my artwork in 2015 to actually get things done. I have tons of art books ranging from Photoshop to Zbrush, I just need to take time to start learning how to use these wonderful apps and use my Mini Mac for which it was bought.

One last note to anybody out their looking at this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!