Thursday 23 February 2017


Ok first what is the name all about, well BLOG2.4 is BLOG is a LOG 2 is the month = February. And .4 = the week of that month.

Ok with that now out of the way time to write the blog, and I’ve broken it down into the different areas of my life for this update as it has been too long since my last update.
Note it will not always be in this format. I think this just allows me to get my head around stuff.

Personal Life

Well I’m getting married that’s the biggest thing happening in my personal life now.

Professional Life

Am working in Leith now at Victoria Quay, still working as a senior test analyst. However, I’m looking for a new job or to get my employer to move me to a project in or near Glasgow as I’m from Airdrie and the commute to work is beginning to take its toll.


I have a few projects that I want to do, but as my work is tiring with all that travelling I can’t work on them. Hopefully this blog will make me a bit more focus to get these projects started.
I would love to get my artwork and now that I’m becoming better at computer programing I’d like to make an app or mobile game.

Fitness and Sports

Had to stop playing rugby as I picked up a few injures, still playing American Football, well for at least one more season. However, my weight has got me down recently so I’ve joined a gym and I went from 14.7 to 16 stone, however my body fat stayed 35.5%, so added a ton of muscle. So, going to keep that going. However, I’ll need to do something else if I stop American Football as I will not be doing any sports and just get fat lol!

So, that’s it for this week, this blog was just a general catch up. The blogs will be a more specific update of personal life, professional life, projects, fitness or sport. Or anything I think that I should share online.

Bye for now!


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