Tuesday 24 December 2013

2013 Reconcile - What a Year!!!!!

Part 1

2013 Reconcile - What a Year!!!!!

Here is a list of some amazing events and my achievements.
Waaaaaaaaaaay back in January I passed my driving theory test. It was blood freezing that day in Glasgow lol.

Then I trained as a linebacker for the Dundee Hurricanes, which was brilliant!!! Then I got a chance at starting as the linebacker and I started and finished every game.
Also met my wondering girlfriend Jen in March, she's awesome!!!!
Then in June I passed my practical driving test :)

Then my brother’s stag do. Where I made new friends and made some great memories and lost a few too lol. Also made a fair exchange for my wallet and watch for some beads, don't ask lol!!!
Then in July got my 1st car around my birthday, which is awesome. J

Also in July my bro got married.

AUGUST & SEPTEMBER, two months which I believe changed my whole outlook on what fitness and training can do for you. It started in a game for Hurricanes where I was asked to play running back. I wasn't sure what I could do as I hadn't even looked at the offence's play book let alone trained with the offence. However once I was on the field it was such an amazing feeling to play running back again. I hadn't played it since 2009. Playing against Edinburgh was a great day, blocking the backing and this allowed Adam to run for a big gain. And the comments I got from my dad and brothers after the game, an awesome day.
Other favourite moment of the year for me was playing against Glasgow both ways. Linebacker and Running Back, never achieved that in my time playing until now. And Bruce at Quarter back and me as Running back, just like the good old days lol. Rushing for 83 yards and playing defence, an epic day. This was also the day I realise my body could take a lot more punishment and I decide to start playing rugby again.
I think it was the end of August or beginning of September I started playing rugby for Uddingston RFC. And at the end of September I think I scored my first try for Uddingston/Cambuslang 2s. Another great feeling, but this was down to finding a great team and great bunch of guys :).

See there is a trend building here for 2013 here, fitness and sports lol.

But the year was building to this moment in October. I was award the most improved player 2013 for the Dundee Hurricanes. I was very proud of myself for achieving that award and it continues to give me the motivation to carry on with my training at home, with the rugby team and American football team.
And in December 2013 I was put forward for promotion. This would be from test analyst to senior test analyst. And I have been informed recently that I got the promotion.

So as I close the door on 2013, how would I describe it? Life changing, no other year has changed my life in such a way as this one has. I met amazing people, I worked my ass off. I made an ass of myself (Stag do lol). But all in all I changed my life for the better.

And it's like a drug, hooked on wanting to achieve more and more.

I achieved so much, GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!
Now on too 2014, what else do I want to achieve. I already have my eyes on a few things so no slowing down now!!!!!

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