Tuesday 24 December 2013

2014 The Prologue: An Evolution rather than a Resolution.

Part 2

2014 The Prologue: An Evolution rather than a Resolution. 

Yes it's January and time for "New Year Resolutions", but I had my resolutions or as I put it revolution last year. 

This year is all about refining my life style from last year. I did many things and put in place a lot of structure that was missing. Like having a good diet, working out and doing jobs that I kept putting off.

Well this year it's all about challenging myself, building on what I achieved last year setting goals and working towards them. It could be with work, it could be fitness, it could be sports or even my artwork. Whatever I choose to do this year it is all about building up my skills and learning how to beat the challenges that I will face. 

Hence a more evolutionary process to this year than a resolution. The reason I think this way is I know I can achieve things . But now it's about making sure I stay focus and maintain what I have done is key. It's not to say I'll not achieve stuff, it just means if I keep focused and improve my skills it will be easier. This is why goals become important than resolutions. Resolutions are usually to big and we all start off well, but sooner or later we fall down. 

Now here comes the lame quote moment.

"Why do we fall down, so we can learn to pick ourselves up" - Guess which film lol :)

I know, I know!! But the reason I put this up is because I was watching these films last year and I thought to myself through 2009 to 2011 I had fallen down. Fat and feeling pretty useless. However I knocked the dust off and came up fighting, with a help from a few really good friends. 

Last year I listed my resolutions as objectives, like playing linebacker, learning to drive, but they are pretty epic things. It's like me turning around and saying that I'll be playing flanker for the 1s this year in my rugby team. It may happen but I have to do tons of work and in a short time to get there. So it's very unlikely that would happen. 

However, I can train at home and at the rugby park and use goals like stepping stones to get to my objective. It's better because I get to see my progress and if I fail to reach my objective this time around I can see which goals I'm struggling with and work to improve myself in that area. 

So this mind set is what will make 2014 as successful or even more successful than 2013.


  1. Good on you mate! You are a super star! In sure you are gonna go beyond achieving your goals and get much more ahead of those! Have a fantastic year ahead!

    1. Thanks bud, you have a wonderful new year too :)
